Monday, November 30, 2015

I was waiting for that family to want me...

Tonight, as I went into the office to grab a piece of paper, I noticed there was a 1-inch thick stack of paper jammed into the printer. I yanked and pulled and couldn't get it out. But don't worry, my handsome hubby is a computer whiz, and knew exactly what to do. As I looked around wondering how that happened, I noticed several sheets in the trash can. Right away I recognized the large, curly font. It was another love letter, although this time the printer jammed before the job was done, and apparently she gave up and scrapped it. Since it was just the ending, I looked in my recent documents and found the rest of the letter. I copied and pasted it below, just as she had written it.

Dear ,Anna, I just   wanted   to say  Ilove you  mommy .I   am very thankful  of what you have gave me ,and what you have done for me too!  I  know that  I did not give you a gift or nothing , but I   still  love you know matter what happines .When I was in foster care  I  was praying a lot about a  family who want s  me and that I  was going  there very soon.  I cried  so much as I was  waiting  for that family to whant   me . Now I am so much better to be with a  very nice ,silly but very  cool family!  After all  that sadness  lets  just say I love you very much mommy!!!!!!! 

This is what it's all about, people. This beautiful child has 5 half siblings, and when they were taken into custody, she sat and watched all of her sibling's paternal families come forward to take them and raise them, and she was left all alone, just wanting to be a part of a family, and feel loved and wanted. Please consider opening your heart and your home to foster children. Every child deserves to be loved!

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