Wednesday, August 26, 2015


Wow, what a summer! This has been a challenging but rewarding time in our lives. Baby girl will be 10 weeks old tomorrow! I can't believe how fast it has flown by. We have absolutely fallen in love with her! 

This whole time, we have known there is a real possibility that she could be leaving us. A few days ago, we were told that the parents were doing well, and could possibly be on track to regain custody in December. Yesterday we got a call from our social worker that it could be sooner than we expected. They are still looking into relative placement, and they might be moving her as soon as next week. That was heartbreaking to hear. 

I suppose at first I had very high hopes of keeping her, but as we were updated on what's going on, it seemed more and more likely that it wouldn't work out like that. For the past several weeks, I have been praying that God would give me peace about His plans. It can be so hard to accept that what I so desperately want isn't what He wants for us. I believe He is working in me, and while the thought still saddens me, I know that God is in control, and He is going to do what's best for us and for her.

People have asked me if this doesn't work out, would I be able to do it again. How can I stand to fall in love, only to have her taken away? How can I put my heart out there like that? I have to trust that even though she was only here for a short time, there was a reason for that. I hope to maintain a relationship with her, and the family, and share the love of Jesus with them. 

I am trusting that if this isn't God's plan for us, He has a child for us, and that it will be well worth the wait. Holding onto that hope and having something to look forward to makes all of this a little easier. 

With all of the terrible Planned Parenthood videos going around, I am so saddened by all of this evil. I know there are many people outraged about it, and want them shut down. There are so many children out there that need homes, and as Christians, we are called to care for the orphans. I urge you all to pray about adopting or fostering. Maybe adoption isn't God's plan for your life, but one thing is for sure, you are not called it sit and watch all of this play out. Pray about what He wants for you. We can make a difference by providing a loving home for these unwanted children. This is God's plan for us, and while it can be challenging, it has brought us so much joy, and we wouldn't trade it for the world!

God doesn't call the strong, He strengthens the called.

1 comment:

  1. Oh Anna.....~ I'm so saddened to hear this. My heart is breaking with you as I read this post. You are a true example of a Christian and you have dealt with such a personal situation and maintain such a positive outlook. God knew that this sweet baby girl needed you during her initial weeks/months. I know that He is Fostering through YOU! Love you sweetheart~
