Tuesday, October 29, 2013

One year today

Well, I suppose it's come and gone. Today, we've officially been waiting for a baby for one year. I must say, when we first started the process, I had it in my head it would probably be just under a year. But then again, I knew it could take a long time. This is one of those times where it's really hard to accept God's timing and be patient, but I know there are other families that have waited even longer.

I just pray that she will be here soon. Goodness knows I'll be ready. I think the only big thing I still need is a car seat. I have a year's supply of diapers, I'm working on the wipes, I bought the crib, made the bedding and accessories, and that's about it. My sweet mom and sister bought me some baby clothes the other day. It's nice to have just a few just in case it happens quickly, I don't like feeling unprepared. AND, in case you missed my last post, my amazing dad just made a custom shelved closet, so her room is mostly set up and organized. I love it! So one year down, hopefully no more to go =)


  1. I found your blog through The City, we too go The Summit and after being there for a few years we felt God place adoption on our heart. We did domestic infant adoption and waited 13 months (which felt like the longest 13 months of our life) and finally brought our daughter home in September. I also knew the wait could be long but really thought we would get a quick placement. I know exactly where you are coming from. Waiting on adoption is harder than I had ever imagined, but the rewards once you are adopt are so much better than you could ever imagine! I'm so excited to follow your journey and cannot wait to hear when you bring home your precious baby girl! I will absolutely be praying and will be headed to your etsy shop to order a little something for our baby girl in the next couple of weeks!

  2. Thank you for sharing your story! It really is encouraging to hear other stories, and know that other people are going through it too! It's like a form of therapy! I will be praying for your family too in this time of adjustment! Congratulations!
