Monday, September 23, 2013

For Beautiful Baby

So many of you know that I love to paint. And you probably know that I love to sew too. I just love anything crafty. I love to make things. I blogged about the baby bedding that I made a little while ago, and that was the first thing I had sewn in probably 12 years. I decided to make some baby clothes, and, well, the idea exploded and now I'm making and selling baby and young children's clothes on Etsy. I also will be selling some of my paintings.

I came up with the name because I am making clothes to raise funds to help out with the adoption costs for our Beautiful Baby, and also because I'm making clothes for your beautiful baby. Cheesy? Maybe a little, but I never claimed to be a marketing genius.

This is what I spent all last week doing, and I usually tell my mom everything, but I was so busy sewing away, we barely talked all week, and I never told her what I was doing. Now, just to be clear, in the span of about a week, this went from a suggestion from a friend to look, I just opened a store. I sent her a quick email after I set up my store, with the link, and said, "I opened up an Etsy shop. It would be great if you could help me advertise." She responded with, "Is this real? Is this a joke?" I got a good chuckle out of that. She has no clue what Etsy is, and she probably was thinking I opened up like, a real store. But I know, even thought she didn't say so, she is supporting me. She is just so good like that, so supportive. She's my #1 fan. =)

I really love doing this. It is my passion. It is a talent that God gave me, and I love to be able to use it.
I am so excited about my shop, and I know that in order for it to do well, God has to bless it. I can sew my heart out, and make fabulous stuff, but unless God blesses it, it won't do any good. So I'm asking all my supporters and prayer warriors, please pray for me. Pray for my shop, and pray that God would bless my efforts, and that through this He would help us raise the money so we can bring our Beautiful Baby home!

Here are some of my outfits. To see them all, go to

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