Monday, October 29, 2012

Home Study Final Draft

We finally received our final draft of our home study today. We reviewed it, made a couple corrections, and I'm mailing it back tomorrow. Once the changes are made an the board approves it, we are officially waiting!
I hope our family book comes in soon. Not that I'll get to see it really, but that's what the social workers show off.

Sunday afternoon we went to visit some friends who had their baby girl last week. Holding that sweet little newborn made me so impatient. As we were pulling up to the house, talking with the boys about how everyone is probably tired so we need to be quiet, etc. Ryland asks, "But when are we going to get OUR baby sister?" I wish I could give him an answer. Chase didn't seem as interested in the baby as he was his friend and toys, but Ryland just thought she was something else. He kept grinning and rubbing her head, and wanting to look at her itty bitty feet. He just can't wait.

I just remembered something funny that had happened. A little while back when the boys were having their checkups, we had to fill out the adoption physical forms, so we were talking with the pediatrician about the adoption. She has two bio sons had actually adopted a little girl from China the previous year. She was telling us all about her and how her brothers just loved her so much and just "eat her up!" I hear Ryland's breath just catch, and he turns and whispers in my ear, "Mommy, we can not eat our baby sister!" It was so funny. Kids really do take us so literally. My Aunt is always talking about how she remembers things people used to say to her when she was little and used to scare her to death. She said her dad's friend used to say he was going to buy her from her daddy. We do have some crazy expressions and there's no telling what sorts of things are going through their heads.

Saturday, October 27, 2012

Lazy Saturday

So we've had a small holdup on our home study paper work, but it's on it's way and should be here early next week. Once we get it, we review it, make any corrections, and mail it back in. A final copy is printed, goes to the board for approval, and then it's official. Then it's hurry up and wait.

I suppose I could start getting things I need. I did buy our first pack of diapers the other day. It was a very exciting moment because it felt very real and official. I got them early in the morning and when I got home, Cory was still in bed. I hopped on the bed and woke him up waving them in his face. I'm guessing he wasn't as excited as I was because he just grunted and rolled over. I never bought diapers early with my other two, and I have no idea why. But from now on, if I see them on sale, I'm going to start buying them.

On a different note, this morning was so much fun with the kids. I woke up to Chase climbing in bed. He was laying behind me playing with my hair, which is very relaxing. As he's doing that, he's playing and talking to himself, and starts saying, "Hey, what's in here?" and starts digging around in my hair like he's searching for something. It was pretty funny. I love lazy Saturday mornings. We started building one of Chase's lego sets, and turns out some of the pieces were missing. That turned into a crazy search, that only turned up half the missing pieces. But it's still fun to just build things. I can't believe I was deprived as a child of these things. I guess it's because there were four girls in the house and no boys. Having boys has been such a learning experience. So far I have survived. I'm really just hoping that in the near future I won't be as outnumbered.

Wednesday, October 17, 2012


Our last home study visit went really well. Now we just have to wait a few more days for the paper work to be finalized and then we will officially be approved to adopt and waiting to be matched! This went by so much quicker than I had anticipated. Its very exciting!

I worked really hard on our family book and finished that up last night. As soon as she mails in our home study, she can order it and then she'll have to to show off. I'm really happy with the way it turned out and I most definitely have to give a shout out to my friend Tony who donated his time and photography skills to take the beautiful pictures of us. Thank you so much for your generosity!

Speaking of generosity, thanks to those who have participated in our fundraising. We got our first check in the mail yesterday. It is really very touching that there are so many of you out there that support us, and so graciously gave to help make this happen. We appreciate it more than you know! God has truly blessed us with some awesome friends!

Saturday, October 13, 2012

Yard Sale

Last Monday night we had our second home study visit and our final one is tomorrow afternoon. I am so excited to finish up this phase, and begin the waiting phase. Although, I don't know if I'll feel the same after waiting a while. I am so thankful that everything this far has gone so smoothly, and I know that God has been in control from the start. I need to start thinking about what I need to get for this baby. I have very little baby stuff. Maybe I'll get a bassinet so if nothing else is ready, at least she'll have somewhere to sleep.

 I am trying to explain to the boys that although we are finishing up our part, we still could be waiting a long time. I think Ryland is so excited to get baby sister home, he asked if he could bring home his baby cousin and make her his baby sister. It was cute! I love that they love to tell other people about what we are doing. When people ask about it they just get the biggest smiles. I can not wait to get that call!

So I've been thinking about having a yard sale to make some money. The only other yard sale I've participated in was a community one, so I didn't have to worry about signs or advertising or any thing like that. It was all taken care of and it was nice. Anyways, if anyone is planning on de-cluttering, please let me know. I will gladly take your treasures. =)

Thursday, October 4, 2012

First Home Study Visit

So we finally had our first home study visit last night. It went really well. I was thinking, "What in the world are we going to talk about for 2 hours?" But it went by really fast. I love our social worker. She is so caring and really made me feel at ease. Basically she pulled out our paper work stack, which was several inches thick, and just asked for more details and explanations on things. Then we showed her around the house and that was pretty much it.

There was one thing that blew me away and I'm still in disbelief! Most agencies will tell you it takes about 3 months to complete a home study. Sometimes they will say for an extra fee, they can expedite it and have it completed in 6 weeks. We were told that her last home study took her a week and a half to do. She said that she likes to do it while its fresh in her mind, and doesn't want to be the one holding up the process. So potentially, in a couple weeks, we could be on the waiting list for a child! And because the way this agency does it (the birth mother chooses the family, there's no first come, first serve waiting list) we could potentially have a child very, very soon. Now, I'm not saying I'm getting my hopes up and that we're going to be matched the first week, but it has happened before, and we need to be ready for what ever happens.

I guess with that being said, we need to start looking for a crib and car seat and diapers, and whatever else we need. It seems so unreal, and I feel kinda silly saying that. I really wasn't expecting the home study to be complete until end of December! Pack up the office, honey, you're moving out!