Saturday, October 27, 2012

Lazy Saturday

So we've had a small holdup on our home study paper work, but it's on it's way and should be here early next week. Once we get it, we review it, make any corrections, and mail it back in. A final copy is printed, goes to the board for approval, and then it's official. Then it's hurry up and wait.

I suppose I could start getting things I need. I did buy our first pack of diapers the other day. It was a very exciting moment because it felt very real and official. I got them early in the morning and when I got home, Cory was still in bed. I hopped on the bed and woke him up waving them in his face. I'm guessing he wasn't as excited as I was because he just grunted and rolled over. I never bought diapers early with my other two, and I have no idea why. But from now on, if I see them on sale, I'm going to start buying them.

On a different note, this morning was so much fun with the kids. I woke up to Chase climbing in bed. He was laying behind me playing with my hair, which is very relaxing. As he's doing that, he's playing and talking to himself, and starts saying, "Hey, what's in here?" and starts digging around in my hair like he's searching for something. It was pretty funny. I love lazy Saturday mornings. We started building one of Chase's lego sets, and turns out some of the pieces were missing. That turned into a crazy search, that only turned up half the missing pieces. But it's still fun to just build things. I can't believe I was deprived as a child of these things. I guess it's because there were four girls in the house and no boys. Having boys has been such a learning experience. So far I have survived. I'm really just hoping that in the near future I won't be as outnumbered.

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