Thursday, October 4, 2012

First Home Study Visit

So we finally had our first home study visit last night. It went really well. I was thinking, "What in the world are we going to talk about for 2 hours?" But it went by really fast. I love our social worker. She is so caring and really made me feel at ease. Basically she pulled out our paper work stack, which was several inches thick, and just asked for more details and explanations on things. Then we showed her around the house and that was pretty much it.

There was one thing that blew me away and I'm still in disbelief! Most agencies will tell you it takes about 3 months to complete a home study. Sometimes they will say for an extra fee, they can expedite it and have it completed in 6 weeks. We were told that her last home study took her a week and a half to do. She said that she likes to do it while its fresh in her mind, and doesn't want to be the one holding up the process. So potentially, in a couple weeks, we could be on the waiting list for a child! And because the way this agency does it (the birth mother chooses the family, there's no first come, first serve waiting list) we could potentially have a child very, very soon. Now, I'm not saying I'm getting my hopes up and that we're going to be matched the first week, but it has happened before, and we need to be ready for what ever happens.

I guess with that being said, we need to start looking for a crib and car seat and diapers, and whatever else we need. It seems so unreal, and I feel kinda silly saying that. I really wasn't expecting the home study to be complete until end of December! Pack up the office, honey, you're moving out!

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